San Diego Comic Con 2015 in Photos

Growing up in San Diego Comic Con was something I totally took for granted. Of course every year people dressed up in fun costumes and ran amok in the streets of downtown San Diego! Doesn’t everyone have one of those?

San Diego Comic Con 2015 International
San Diego Coronado Ferry
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Group Costume

Every year it has gotten bigger and bigger, and San Diego Comic Con 2015 drew in not just more people in more costumes, but crazy giant outdoor props, like this giant snowglobe and enough religious protestors that they got counter-protestors of their own. Dang! Our convention is so big it’s protestors have protestors!

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Snow Globe
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Protestor

One of the best parts of Comic-Con is how inclusive it seems to be. Old, young and everyone in between seems to get in on the fun. Though there are tons of real celebrities to be seen inside of the convention, anyone who puts enough work into their costume gets to be a celebrity for a day. Being chased down by fans and asked for photos every few minutes. I personally chased down this lady Rufio calling out “Rufio! Rufio! Rufiooo! for two blocks before I caught up with her to get a photo. And one little princess was so entranced by meeting Sailor Moon that she knocked her to the ground with a gigantic hug.

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Riddler
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Zelda Wizards
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Sailor Chibi Moon
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Rufio
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Sailor Moon and a little Princess
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Sailor Moon
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Sailor Moon meets a fan

Truth be told I was almost as excited as that little girl when I found a couple of Quidditch players who let me hold their snitch.

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Quidditch
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Going for the Snitch

How many characters you can recognize at Comic Con is definitely a good meterstick for your nerd cred. There are some favorites that nearly anyone would recognize and other people dressed so obscurely that we had no chance of recognizing them.

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Cat in the Hat
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Final Fantasy
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Supergirl
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Group Costume

Though the crowds are nuts and the sun is beating down, how could you not want to go roam the streets with Totoro, My Little Ponies, and any other pop culture icon you can think of?! Though Tom and I don’t ever actually go INTO the convention, San Diego is worth a visit in July just for the people-watching that the comic convention brings.

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Totoro
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Mad Max Cosplay
San Diego Comic Con 2015 My Little Pony

Measure your nerd cred! How many can you recognize?

San Diego Comic Con 2015 UP
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Thriller MJ
San Diego Comic Con 2015 The Flash
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Tank Girl
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Storm Trooper
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Starlord
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Poison Ivy
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Princesses
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Cosplay

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Pirate Bear
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Olaf
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Max
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Mario and the Princess
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Hench 4 Life
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Lady Thor
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Catwoman
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Harley Quinn
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Mad Max Interview

San Diego Comic Con 2015 Grut
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Gotham
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Dr. Who
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Book of Life
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Batgirl and Catwoman
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Brave
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Frost Queen
San Diego Comic Con 2015 Immortan Joe


I think of California as officially "home" but can usually be found a lot closer to the equatorial belt. After finishing a Masters program in 2011 I found myself trying to decide between a couple of different high-powered career options. I decided I wasn't quite ready to "grow up" and went with an entirely different plan which involved selling off everything I owned with my partner Tom and buying a one-way ticket to Colombia. Our plan was to travel "Till The Money Ran Out" and then go home to start our grown-up lives. Instead, we started our own app development company on the road and have been criss-crossing the globe, traveling, working, eating spicy food and refusing to "grow up" ever since. You can find me on Twitter, , Facebook or send me a message using our About Us page.

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5 Responses

  1. Sarah says:

    Here’s a Saga cosplay, like you were hoping to see, it’s from last year though-

  2. Yok says:

    Hey Jenny: A close friend is one of the events managers for Comic Con…it’s always awesome to hear her insights and check it out through the experiences of others. Cool photos!

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