Category: Bolivia



Latin Americans love to party. It’s true!! [flickr]photo:6001725029[/flickr] And they are so much better at it than North Americans. Our last day in La Paz we figured we would just hang around and maybe...


On the lam in Rurrenabaque

We love the jungle. If you ask Tom why he loves the jungle he will tell you that it’s nice and warm and there is an abundance of fruit. If you ask me I...


In the Pampas, the mighty Pampas…

Rurrenabaque, Bolivia is a small town on the edge of the Jungle and Pampas regions of Bolivia. [flickr]photo:5981327631[/flickr] Though its pretty small it’s the biggest city in the province and a good place to...



“Wow” I said motioning to the signs that advertised almuerzo (a set meal for lunch usually including a bowl of soup, and a plate of meat, rice, and potatos) for 7 Bs (one dollar)....