Category: Americas



“Welcome home guys” the customs official told us when he stamped our U.S entry stamps into our passports. 16 months outside the States, 17ish countries. We almost needed to staple an extra sheet of...


Adios Latinoamerica

Sitting in the back of the 1953 Chevy with my hair whipping around in the warm air blowing through the tiny windows I had a hard time deciding what to look at. A wonderful...


Totes Mogotes

When I thought of Cuba before this trip I thought of steamy dance clubs, bars clouded with cigar smoke, and classic cars. I did not think of the bucolic farmland scenes that seem to...


On the road again… Travel from Panama to Cuba

On Tom’s birthday (October 27th) we got to return to his Costa Rican birth-place on a twelve hour “en transito” visa en route to Cuba. We left our tropical island 3-month home behind us...


Nazi Beetle Orders Spider to Eat Baby Gecko

Spiders are acting with Beetles across the board, as further grisly orders were carried out. Luckily the water animals will not be drawn into the battle as expected as one Spider henchman mistook a “jelly”...



Tom and I are both, as it turns out, the type of people who would be able to fill a to-do list while being held in a 5×8 concrete jail cell. I can see...

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Bocas del Toro Frog Blog Guest Post

Though I have asked nearly everyone i’ve met if they are interested in writing a guest post, my brother Ossian (our most recent visitor) is the first to take the bait. The guy who...